
Monday Mar 28, 2016
Creative Leadership: how to change how we work
Monday Mar 28, 2016
Monday Mar 28, 2016
I had the honor to talk with Viv McWaters - Facilitator & trainer of Leadership Development, co-author of 'Creative Facilitation Skills' - based on Melbourne Australia. She carries years of experience, in 35+ different cultural contexts, for profit and non-for profit arena, to help people unlock a human-centered oriented work environment that encourages people to tap into their own wisdom, come into action, and do things differently. She explains how you can unlock transformative process by changing 1 minor thing in the space, creating safety in a group, trust on their capacity by not 'saving' them, and to trust on your own gut instinct as a facilitator.

Thursday Dec 24, 2015
How to unlock a vibrant community without forcing it?
Thursday Dec 24, 2015
Thursday Dec 24, 2015
Podcast with Sneh - community leader and program manager of Bangalore's (India) first and oldest cowork space www.jaaga.in Sneh explains how the startups and Techies demanded more Host2Transform sessions that enables them to connect with and build new resources, that could make THE difference for their success! Enroll here to join a free experience yourself: www.Host2Transform.com

Sunday Dec 20, 2015
Collective Abundance - A paradigm LIVED by corporates and cowork spaces?
Sunday Dec 20, 2015
Sunday Dec 20, 2015
Last April I met Natale Danko: an impressive millennium promise young professional. She has uplifted various cowork spaces across the globe - from Hyderabad, San Fransisco to Bangalore - and now is back at her home town Toronto CA, to pursue her mission to unlock Collective Abundance in (co) work spaces. In this podcast she explains why and how Host2Transform could contribute to her mission. She aspires to experiment with the H.O.S.T. tool from January onwards, to see if it helps her to unlock an engaged cooperative start-up ecosystem that sustains itself. Next to that, H.O.S.T. could be the perfect tool to integrate 'as a newbee' in a new team, and gain mutual trust (that sometimes takes forever).

Monday Dec 14, 2015
Personal Transformation & Leadership - What do you desire?
Monday Dec 14, 2015
Monday Dec 14, 2015
You can profit from your passions. What would you do with your life if money were no object? - Alan Watts Executives getting more conscious about the importance of unlocking the intellectual wisdom in a company through its people. There is more need in work and life than a pay check. Jake Esman - co-founder Peoplerise - talks about his personal transformation working 10 years for corporates and now living his desire. He helps people that are stuck, teams, and organisation finding that what they desire. We also touch upon topics as entrepreneurship, burn-outs, ego, leadership is to be in physical, mental, and spiritual balance.

Monday Dec 14, 2015
Transformation through Social Presencing Theatre - How it works!
Monday Dec 14, 2015
Monday Dec 14, 2015
Today I talk with Manuela Bosch - Founder of Vanilla Way Agency for integrative communication and processes - about the power and the simplicity of just BEING. How does Social Presencing Theatre connects to this, and what is the benefit for us as individuals, teams, organisations, and societies as a whole? An exciting immersive process for Manuela to take her practices to the next level and make it more mainstream for people and businesses to work with it in their own ways. You can support her journey to join and share her wisdom joining the PST program in the US through her perks in her crowd funding campaign here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/manuela-sharing-her-wisdom#/

Monday Nov 16, 2015
Monday Nov 16, 2015
After 5 years I am back lecturing at International Business Innovation Studies (IBIS), new Business Development, however this time in a new style. A facilitative style that suits me and unlocks potential, of me the co-lecturer and the BBA students. 2 tips I provide any teacher to use: a Master Mind Group SMART Getting Things Done Sheet & Tops and Tips sheet. Apply this document yourself when you work in the field of Learning & Development: http://www.host2transform.com/real-time-tool-for-continuous-learning-development-for-any-team/

Saturday Nov 07, 2015
3 tops to kickstart your social business
Saturday Nov 07, 2015
Saturday Nov 07, 2015
A interesting interview with Mitra, serial business owner, investor, social entrepreneur, and friend, skyping between San Francisco-Amsterdam. 3 effective tips for your emerging social business, that will save the day! Furthermore we talk about: - the ethics of working with an impact investor - revolutionary transformation that awaits for renewable energy to replace fossil fuels. Like the web. - personal transformation: a stretch in our consciousness creates social entrepreneurs that transform societies. Mitra Ardron, CEO of Lumeter Networks, provides payment methods that enable social entrepreneurs to reach underserved populations in developing countries. For more information, check: www.lumeter.net

Friday Nov 06, 2015
Host2Transform voor vitaliteit & een stressremedie
Friday Nov 06, 2015
Friday Nov 06, 2015
Vandaag spreek ik met Mirjam. Zij is vanaf de eerste dag betrokken bij Host2Transform, heeft de Master Practitioner afgerond en op het moment bezig met een coachingsopleiding tot stress councelor. Tijdens de week tegen de stress zal zij meerdere Host2Transform sessie geven, een remedie tegen stress en voor vitaliteit. Tijdens dit interessante interview laat zij weten hoe ze dit ziet, en op welke vlakken Host2Transform impact maakt! Meer weten? Ga naar Host2Transform.com Voor vragen ga naar @Jtangelder.

Wednesday Nov 04, 2015
B.Amsterdam, InHolland, Vidymez & LeanStartupMachine: weekje vd verbinding!
Wednesday Nov 04, 2015
Wednesday Nov 04, 2015
B.Amsterdam onze nieuwe partner-locatie waar maandelijks Host2Transform sessies worden gegeven! Kom tot zien, schijf je gratis in www.host2Transform.com Gomez (Vidymez) is onze nieuwe camera-editor-coach-man. Gister gave shoot gehad in het mooie B.Amsterdam, met hulp van zijn mentor Patrick, die ook goed werk levert voor o.a. Eelco de Boer. Verder ben ik betrokken bij de ontwikkelingen van het vak New Business Development bij InHolland, minor Social Business innovation, waar ik met 3 voor mij onbekende mensen, Edwin (InHolland), Rogier (AimfortheMoon), en ik (vanuit Host2Transform) de samenwerking ga opzoeken. Spannend en gaaf. Ik ben iig blij met de nieuwe technologie en de vaardigheden tot sociale innovatie te komen. What ever happens, als we elkaar laten shine-en, komt het altijd goed!

Wednesday Oct 21, 2015
10 success factors to kickstart H.O.S.T. in your work environment
Wednesday Oct 21, 2015
Wednesday Oct 21, 2015
Unlock the potential of your coworkers, team, students or clients in 20 minutes: adopt the FREE H.O.S.T. Innovation Tool: www.host2transform.com More information the Host2Transform concept, if joining a training is something for you email: connect@host2transform.com