
Friday Apr 14, 2017
Friday Apr 14, 2017
This week I speak with global CEO Whisperer, Anthony Howard, author of the book Humanise: Why Human-Centred Leadership is the Key to the 21st Century; a guide for those who want to apply moral leadership in business, government, and society to change the world.
In this talk we cover a lot of ground; how human-centric leadership will shape the leaders of tomorrow, the key abilities to become a human-centered leader, power questions that trigger a new way of thinking, and how organizational structures can alienate people from their life and soul.
Anthony is CEO at the Confidere Group: that serve mentors to influential leaders, he is a Ph.D. candidate in philosophy and authentic leadership, and lives with his family at a farm in the countryside of Australia. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did!
Did you hear about the Weekly Wisdom? It is a short email I send out just before the weekend. It provides you with hands-on and mindful next level leadership practices that will empower you to unlock transformation in our fast changing world. With ease and a soul of fun you can help people to gain clarity in their future. Subscribe via host2transform.com and you will receive the very next one. And if you sign up, I hope you enjoy it!

Friday Apr 07, 2017
Friday Apr 07, 2017
If you are interested to know how the famed multinational corporation Deloitte challenges CEO’s to redesign their work environment to scale opportunities, this episode is for you. My guest is John Hagel (@johnhagel), the co-chairman for Deloitte US Center for the Edge (@C4Edge), the author of The Power of Pull: How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion, and frequent speaker for the Singularity University. He lives north from my favourite city San Francisco, in Tiburon, California. We talk about what should be on the CEO’s agenda while dealing with a rapidly changing world, the urge to shift from scaling efficiency to scaling opportunity, moving from ‘sprint’ culture to a culture that unlocks human potential, the benefits of technology such as virtual platforms, and much more. Like to receive updates for the next episode? Subscribe for Uplift Friday! Things that uplifts my life, work and business, and that of others around me. A brief overview that provides you some clarity in our fast changing, and dynamic and crazy world uncertain future. Check it out at host2transform.com and subscribe today!

Friday Jan 20, 2017
002- The Urge of Systemic Leadership
Friday Jan 20, 2017
Friday Jan 20, 2017
Together with Jennifer Campbell, founder of the SystemicLeadershipSummit.com, she shares her practical experience how to upgrade your leadership, and the essence to focus on your whole tribe, spread its leadership potential, and create transformation in your business, team, organization or community. Learn from 20+ world-class experts systemic leadership secrets that set your entire tribe on fire and go to www.systemicleadershipsummit.com

Tuesday Aug 23, 2016
The Urge of Getting to Know Yourself: Start your School of Life Today!
Tuesday Aug 23, 2016
Tuesday Aug 23, 2016
Laurens Knoop, Director of the School of Life Amsterdam, co-founder Brainwash Festival and Brandstof (Dare to Think TV) talks about the turning point in his life when he got ‘hit’ by the The School of Life London, which radically changed his career as successful consultant to a business pioneer in the fields of philosophy, personal and organisational development. Success doesn’t come overnight. Laurens reveals his brilliant failures and how his inner drive made him follow through to spread exploring 'the self' throughout The Netherlands. Check out https://host2transform.com/the-school-of-life-amsterdam where we answer your follow-up questions after the episode. If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to our channel To get access to the H2T community - to Inspire, Engage & Empower Leaders of Transformation - and apply the practical tips, tools and perspectives how to unlock your potential, that of your environment and your business via https://host2transform.com/ And if you’re interested in more inspiring interviews, check out our YouTube playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6dlOmbjSkFST2saBPgfei4mQJVgB_QF1 Thanks for listening! FOLLOW ME AT: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/host2transform Twitter: https://twitter.com/JessTangelder Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jess_tangelder My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCithhzlIL9PFqyviv_83Mhg/featured

Thursday Jul 28, 2016
The Urge of Facilitative Leadership
Thursday Jul 28, 2016
Thursday Jul 28, 2016
A series of current transitions is a big wake-up call. Do you know how the ability to unlock facilitative leadership within individuals, teams, organisations, and societies could transform you, your business and us all around? According to Jan Lelie we’re already in the midst of a transition that induces and requires personal, organisational, and societal transformation. In his book (written in Dutch) 'Facilitating as a second vocation' he explains how to reflect upon your perceptions in order to fully devote yourself to the situation, the group and unlock transformations from within. Listen and learn how to facilitate leadership within people, teams, organisations, and societies, even when you do not understand it. As learning is not merely something mentally but something physical that happens in the body. C'mon over to [insert link to blog post] where we answer your follow-up questions after the episode. If you enjoyed this video, subscribe to our channel and get the world’s best inspiration, motivation and advice delivered straight to your inbox at https://www.host2transform.com

Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
The Arts as a mean for Self empowerment
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
Today I talk with Lucas Dols, trainer, musician, knowmad, and teacher calling in from Beirut. We share our mission to work cutting edge and use our passion, the arts, anthropology and improvisation for a living and for social empowerment projects around the world. Listen to his story how he got in the place to combine his mission, passion, talent with his business as freelancer. Plus hands-on facilitation tips; how to create yourself a save environment as a facilitator/host of social empowerment and innovation. What to do when participants shy away from showing initiative. Hands on case studies how classical musicians, kids, refugees, educators, health care, and a police corps benefits from hosting a save space to improvise and step into the new.

Wednesday May 18, 2016
Will self-organisation lead us the way?
Wednesday May 18, 2016
Wednesday May 18, 2016
How to unlock self-organisation in a world that is increasingly made out of small business owners and entrepreneurs? In this podcast, I talk with Ela Kagel Digital Strategist & co-founder of Berlin's coolest co-work space Supermarkt. We share insights on the need for re-allocation in the public space, co-work DNA, and whether self-organisation is a skill we should all develop, or if it's only for natural born leaders and entrepreneurs.

Wednesday May 18, 2016
Improvisation: cutting edge & cross culture leadership skills
Wednesday May 18, 2016
Wednesday May 18, 2016
Today I talk with Sue Walden pioneer in the use of improvisation principles/skills in business since 1980. Her home is in San Francisco. In this podcast you get more of a grips on how improvisation principles are cutting edge and translate to various work fields, from therapy, to executive coaching, to customer service improvement across the globe. Then Sue provides you the experience of her 'Voice Mirror', 'Wedging-in', and the value of having a 'Yes-and' mindset. Including ways for you to train and experience the value of being present, open, and mentally flexible. We talk about how the skill to 'Edutain' (educate & entertain) helps people to bring information and knowledge into the body, through direct experience. Check out her website to experience some of her exercises: www.improvworks.org/facilitators/

Thursday Apr 07, 2016
The Solution Focus
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
I had the privilege of speaking with Paul Z Jackson, co-founder and current President of the Applied Improvisation Network. He’s an organisational consultant based in the UK, and has written several books on training, coaching and improvisation. Take aways from this podcast: How improvisation is not a choice but daily reality in today's businesses, organisations, and society. Insights on how the solutions focus approach can turn businesses around. Power questions to kick-off a successful training & how we co-construct the world between us.

Tuesday Apr 05, 2016
Reinventing Education
Tuesday Apr 05, 2016
Tuesday Apr 05, 2016
Interview with Business Innovation Student Redouane Amine. He explains how IBIS (International Business Innovation Studies) prepare students to learn by doing and creating their own learning path. Also Redouane explains how the Host2Transform Practitioners training contributes to raise self awareness, a positive mindset, and helps students to create their own path to live their dreams.